Our Mission: “To be a beacon of hope to the lost, a community of care to the broken and hurting, a compassionate hand to the needy and a source of Christ’s love to all.“

Senior Pastor
David Renfro
Church Clerk:
Greg Hansford

Children’s Pastor
Cindy Renfro
Worship Leader:
Sarah Tait
Adult Ministry:
Lori & Jeff Northern
Young Adults:
Sarah Tait
Youth Ministry:
David & Patrica McIntosh
Compass Food Pantry:
Shaun & Sarah Tait
SWIM Ministry:
Barbara Parker
Prison Ministry:
Shaun Tait
Home Group:
Russ Hawkins
Jail Outreach & Compass Resource:
Pam McIntosh
Prayer Ministry:
Charlotte Muha &
April Andrade (Asst.)
Ladies Ministry:
Mary Mitchell
Nusring Home Ministry:
Russ Hawkins
Evangel Academy
Rev. Jack McIntosh, PhD
Technology Director
Rev. Jack McIntosh, PhD
Education Director
Rev. Jack McIntosh, PhD